From the arbiters world
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Arbiters Corner
E-Magazine August: World School Team Chess Championship (Al. Shulman)
E-Magazine July: Refereeing School Competitions (Al. Sokolski)
E-Magazine June: Bronstein, Fischer and a bit of History (J. Perez Llera)
E-Magazine March: The Fifty Shades of Draw Part 2 (T. Gyomber)
- E-magazine December: My experience as a Fair Play Officer at the World
Junior (U-20) Championship in Sardinia (Al. Shulman) - E-Magazine June: Once upon a time in chess tournaments (G. Bailleul)
- E-Magazine May: The difference between a good arbiter and not the best one – episode 3 (T. Delega)
- E-Magazine January: The difference between a good arbiter and not the best one – episode 2 (T. Delega)
- E-Magazine November: Flag has fallen for the Rating regulations (M. Biagioli)
- E-Magazine October: The difference between a good arbiter and not the best one (T. Delega)
- E-Magazine August: Appointments of arbiters according to their category
Guidelines for the organisers of ECU tournaments (T. Delega) - E-Magazine February: Forced moves in arbiters practice (P. Gerontopoulos)
- E-Magazine January: The ECU Annex to Online Tournaments (M. Biagioli)
- E-Magazine December: The move counter, to use or not to use? (S. de San Vicente)
- E-Magazine October: Fair play and good manners in chess (T. Delega)
- E-Magazine July: A few thoughts on how to implement the health protocol (T. Karali, G. Bailleul)
- E-Magazine September: What exactly is Check-mate? (T. Karali)
- E-Magazine August: To be or not to be (illegal)? That is the question! (M. Biagioli)
- E-Magazine June: Dead position (J. Prokopová)
- E-Magazine May: Is Appendix A (Rapid chess) totally consistent with art. 9 of the Laws of Chess? (M. Biagioli)

ECU & Arbiters
E-Magazine February: The new Arbiters Evaluation (M. Biagioli)
- E-Magazine November: 2023 Call of Interest is ready to go (M. Biagioli)
- E-Magazine September: New composition of the ECU Arbiters Council
- E-Magazine April: Call of Duty (M. Biagioli)
- E-Magazine March: One handbook to rule them all (J. Prokopova)
- E-Magazine February: Let’s talk Hybrid – Moving further (T. Karali)
- E-Magazine September: Future of chess competitions (J. Prokopova)
- E-Magazine August: Finally, ECU Arbiters Council can appoint arbiters for OTB Events! (G. Bailleul)
- E-Magazine July: Let’s talk “Hybrid” (T. Karali)
- E-Magazine June: Once upon a time in Belgium… (G. Bailleul)
- E-Magazine May: Be here, Be there, Be fair (M. Biagioli)
- E-Magazine April: Missed translation… (T. Delega)
- E-Magazine March: National Online Arbiter Certification Course (T. Karali)
- E-Magazine December: ECU AC, the strange and unbelievable story of 2020 (G. Bailleul)
- E-Magazine November: Fair play and good manners in Chess: a never ending story (G. Bailleul)
- E-Magazine November: When online chess comes closer to OTB (M. Biagioli)
- E-Magazine September: New features on ECU Arbiters’ Council website (J. Prokopova)
- E-Magazine August: “The “Bruges Masters Tournament” organized as the Belgian Chess Championship” (G. Bailleul)
- E-Magazine June: The ECU Online Arbiter (OA) (M. Biagioli)
- E-Magazine May: 74th Internet based FIDE Arbiters Seminar organized by the ECU Arbiters’ Council (G. Bailleul)
- E-Magazine March: Chess Arbiters’ thematic crossword (T. Delega) + Solution
- E-Magazine September: #Development FA and IO Seminars in Trieste (G. Bailleul)
- E-Magazine September: 1st Workshop of Equal Opportunities in Thessaloniky (I. Tzegka)
- E-Magazine July: New Rules valid from 1 July 2019 (T. Delega)
- E-Magazine March: ECU Arbiters Refreshing course, Skopje 2019 (T. Delega)
- E-Magazine February: European Chess Union Arbiters’ Council 2019-2022 (G. Bailleul)